Tuesday, October 1, 2019

4th Quarter 2019 The Sheep Get Slaughtered

We Finally Reach Destiny
Again    Reading for the Masses
Political manuevers and Split politics driving tensions higher, leading to America's
downturn. Faith in government and governence push markets to edge.
The Emperor (USA) has no clothes. SHOUT OUT TO
''No, nothing irrational here folks. No irrational exuberance anywhere! After all, how can things be irrational when everyone shares the same delusion? That makes the delusion the new normal. And I'm the oddball who says the emperor is not only naked, but also he has no skin! He is a zombie who is only surviving by eating his own flesh.''

Back to the Markets
Marijuana/CBD  today hasn't paid off, Stocks have tanked to -60% levels
ACB , TLRY WTER haven't seen any outside offers, positive legislation or earnings boosts.

I love the VIIX ($10) at present levels, accumulation in process, hoping for $20 selloff levels.

 The Fed has no clothes, the fox is in the pigeon coop.
(Nonfarm payrolls in the US increased by 130 thousand in August of 2019, following a downwardly revised 159 thousand in July and below market expectations of 158 thousand. Employment in federal government rose, largely reflecting the hiring of temporary workers for the 2020 Census.)

Precious metals buys: SVM , PALDF, KGC
Silver is a new play, Palladium continues to be in demand and Gold is a late entry into the government shakeup playing out.
More picks in ad-based companies developing; paypal link at:

Looking into Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the lastest Bloomberg report about capital cushions being boosted by billions allowing shareholders to reap benefits and for the companies to prevent big losses

Update 10/01/2019  ISM manufacturing index at 47.8 for September 2019 as outlook wanes toward recession. This is the lowest since June 2009 , a 10 year gap.