Tuesday, January 25, 2022

1st Quarter 2022: Quantitative Easing and the SARs-CoV2 Variant and the 'Build Back Better Bust'

 Olde Business: 

{Let's TALK BTC - Bitcoin, circulating supply stands at 19 mil, and a market cap of 800 mil; at its June highs of circulating supply at +19 mil and a market cap of 1.2 tril, we can only see the downward spiral of a defunct mechanism of digital currency feel its heights of dominance wither away.Currently no stand-out is in the wings, other than the Proof of Stake , Ethereum 2.0 asset, which has not reach a 'true' acceptance in the digital currency world.


{ 4th Quarter 2021 -Metals and the Inflation Threat:  

Hyperinflation stands on the wings of time for some household commodities, as Omicron/Delta/Nuevo Variants wreak havoc on 'LABOR' around the world. These commodities like Home Health Care, Public Safety - Fire, Police, EMS and DPW department; and Public Transit will profoundly affect the world over. Hyper price inflation in select items are sprouting on the Economic Dashboard.

[?? still to be determined: Lemons 3/$1 - Jan 2021/ Lemons 1/$1 - Jan 2022 New Jersey, USA]

Once again Uranium continues to lead in this market scenario - UROY, UUUU, UEC , URG, FCUUF }. With Gold starting it safe haven march to GLORY, once again.

Spot Gold

Jan 2021 - 1900 USD / Jan 2022 - 1814 USD: low 1700 USD Aug 2021 and 1915 USD June 2021


New Business: 
FEDMEDs are getting a new prescription: 
(1) establish the primary credit rate at the existing
level of 0.25 percent =(no change) , 
(2) maintain the target range for the federal funds rate at
0-1/4 percent =(no change), and 
(3) reduce the monthly pace of its net asset purchases by $20
billion for Treasury securities and $10 billion for agency mortgage-backed securities.

Beginning in January, the Committee will increase its holdings of Treasury securities
by at least $40 billion per month and of agency mortgage‑backed securities by at least
$20 billion per month.  
The patient has been on a Opioid High for 9 years and the patient is in a COMA
with the Doctors slowly reducing, increase medications, leading to a possible BRAIN DEATH. 
Elites are not happy with the STRONG OPPOSITION to Vaccine Mandates, as their SLAVERY mechanisms fail before THEIR EYES - RESIGNATIONS / INDIVIDUALISM / TAKE-BACK SHOPPING.
 Expect a BIG announcement of FED Rate increases before their scheduled time, as CHINA , the anger giant, falters in production output in the 1st half of 2022. The ''Winter of Our Discontent'' takes a BIG chunk out of the GLOBAL PIE.


Sars-CoV2 will expose the Big Pharma lie of medical certainty and their sub 50% drug effectiveness. [Lawsuits ??/Govt protections, will surge across the world as Big Pharma, the  Emperor without clothes faces  the Polar Vortex. 

Tsunami Cases will overwhelm the Global labor force and Deaths will ramp up until the Spring Thaw.

The USA government response will be a DUD, as President, and Congress can not reach CONSENSUS, just TALKING POINTS, for the Elite Narratives, like vaccinate, get back to work, and no stimulus.

Build Back Better is a poor laden meal of bad gravy and nasty trimmings, that was half-cooked from the start.
Rasing prices are met with luke warm solutions for the 6pm News Cameras, as Mom/Dad & Family dine on scraps and little hope until the SUN rises higher in the SKY! (It's INFLATION man, Where ARE THE PRICE CONTROLS, now!)

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BUILD BACK EMPTY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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